Friday, February 17, 2017

Cydia Download for iOS 10.2.1- What’s new?

Since the release of Yalu beta 7said it is stable in processing, jailbreak community has become extremely busy. But as it is only allowed processing on none-iPhone 7 64-bit devices in iOS 10.0.0-iOS 10.2, no jailbreak and Cydia is allowed for any user upgraded above 10.2. Then what can be the updates in the side of Cydia Download for iOS 10.2.1? Is it the death of jailbreak for those who have taken the upgrade 10.2.1? Let’s see what is new in the side of Cydia in related to the iOS firmware now signs.

iOS 10.2.1 is Apple’s first minor approach to the operating system after the release o iOS 10.2 with a lot of notable features upgrades. So there, 10.2.1 is concerned only a minor version to the operating system especially addressing the problems followed with the time of 10.2. In fact, 10.2.1 was recommended for a stable iOS run especially for those who met problems in the time of 10.2. But if you are a jailbreaker, you should take the decision with more concern as it is with minimum possibilities for jailbreak. In fact, 10.2.1 and upcoming 10.3 both are come patched with vulnerabilities used in Yalu, making it only workable up to 10.2. So what could be Cydia 10.2 updates ahead?

Current state of Cydia Download

With sincere thanks to Yalu, those who are on iOS 10.0.0-iOS 10.2 with a 64-bit device can download Cydia. The process accepts a semi-untethered flow which is with both tethered and untethered qualities. In fact, it needs of Cydia impactor download together with the Yalu IPA to work via Windows or Mac PC. But in case if you are upgraded to 10.2.1 which currently signs, you are not allowed Yalu jailbreak as it is only workable up to 10.2.

Update: iPhone 7 will be jailbroken with updates ahead. If you are with an iPhone 7 running 10.2, wait for the final Yalu build as Todesco has already announced it is going to happen

State of Cydia Download for iOS 10.2.1

Since 10.2.1 comes patched the vulnerabilities implied in Yalu jailbreak, you are not allowed to jailbreak iOS 10.2.1 via Yalu. And as Todesco has already mentioned that he has no intention of working for any tool above Yalu102, there will be no Yalu update in support for Cydia 10.2.1 download. Then, it is means iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak impossible? Not at all. In fact, there is still a big possibility in view with the contribution of prominent jailbreak developing parties. So this is the chance for Pangu and TaiG to show that they are still active in form and not yet given up jailbreak 10. Therefore let’s wait and see how iOS hackers will accept the challenge of Cydia Download for iOS 10.2.1 and 10.3 above Yalu.

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